Dr. Lucy McShane embarked upon her medical journey as a graduate entry student at UCD, culminating in the attainment of her degree in 2015. Before delving into the realm of medicine, she acquired a primary degree in business from the esteemed Trinity College Dublin. Dr. McShane proceeded to immerse herself in General Practice training through the Dublin/Mid Leinster GP training scheme, culminating in her triumphant completion in 2021.
Throughout her training, Dr. McShane traversed a labyrinth of rotations spanning various medical disciplines, including but not limited to Geriatric Medicine, Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Emergency Medicine, and General Medicine. Her steadfast dedication to specialization is evidenced by her acquisition of a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the esteemed Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI). Additionally, she boasts a Certificate in Contraception and has undergone comprehensive LARC training, encompassing the intricate procedures of Implanon insertion/removal and coil insertion/removal. Notably, she has also obtained a Certificate in Dermatology from UCD, further enriching her medical repertoire.
Dr. McShane presides over her well-woman clinic with aplomb, dedicating her Mondays to offering comprehensive and specialized healthcare services at the esteemed D2 Fitzwilliam Square Medical Centre. Her unwavering commitment to providing exemplary care underscores her devotion to the well-being of her patients.